Yoga Nidra otherwise know as “Sleep of the Gods” is a non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) protocol that is becoming increasingly popular in professional circles because of its ability to deliver quality rest (1 hour of Yoga Nidra = 3 hours of regular sleep) in a simple way. Yoga Nidra is performed lying down and guides the participant into hypnogogic state between sleeping and awake, in which our brain activity slows right down to a theta or even delta frequency and become truly embodied within the momentary experience. Yoga Nidra is the perfect practice for people with busy minds living busy modern lives and is, in many ways the antidote the cacophony of modern life.
I have become somewhat addicted to this practise and when I feel my focus lagging in the afternoon, wherever possible I take myself off to bed for a 25 minute Yoga Nidra (don’t you just love hybrid working). On the weekend I was helping my father with some painting, I had been up since 4am, taught 2 yoga classes, done a couple of hours of computer based work, walked the dog, driven for an hour before completing 2 hours (and 2 bedrooms) worth of painting and I needed a Nidra. I told Dad I was going for a nap. I wasn’t up for explaining the science behind Yoga Nidra and he knows that I often have a “nap” in the afternoon however he was not as open to it when I was doing “work”. After a bit of a discussion and the explanation that it would only be 25 minutes he said – “well you should have just gone and had your nap, it is just like a "smoko” ha ha – well not exactly Dad but in his mind, it was acceptable to take a break, just not a nap. I returned to work after my Nidra with increased vitality and nearly excited to get the painting restarted (not quite - but who gets excited about painting).
Sleep is the number one thing that impacts our mental health, focus and productivity. Using your work break to do a meditation, breathwork or a Yoga Nidra is your choice, and much more effective at improving afternoon productivity than a trip for coke, coffee or chocolate. Andrew Huberman has increased the popularity of Non-Sleep Deep Rest and high-profile professionals like the CEO of Google are singing it praises. Normalising nap time and making it more effective by having a Nidra, not a Nap will greatly improve workplace productivity, the sceptics soon realise that it is not as whoohoo as they thought when efficiencies and engagement is translated to the bottom line. Next time you are flailing in the afternoon, why not take yourself to bed or a quiet room and discover the rewards for yourself.