When we are trying to make a change in our lives it is valuable to think about what may be holding us back. If when we consider a change to be like a chemical reaction, we realise there is one part that will be slower than the other parts of the reaction and this can hold us back.
In a chemical reaction which requires multiple steps there is generally the rate determining step. It is the slowest step of a chemical reaction that determines the speed (rate) at which the overall reaction proceeds.
A chemical reaction is essentially a change of state, so I am wondering what is your rate determining step, what is the thing that is holding you back from making a change. What is it that, if you focused on, would improve your, work, home, social or spiritual life. When we are honest about our rate determining step, change can begin.
Is it Clarity – do you specifically know what you want to achieve?
Is it Courage – do you need to work through why you are fearful of the change?
Is it Competence – do you have the skills you need to make the change?

The model above is how I coach people through a career change and I define the components as:
Clarity: Knowing what you want to do and why you want a change.
Courage: Summon the confidence to step outside your comfort zone by knowing what you offer an employer
Competence: Identify or develop the skills you will need or you can draw on to make this change successful
Conviction: The absolute confidence in yourself that you can make the change and why you will be successful
Energy: Overcome inertia and develop the passion to make a change. Bring your best self and have fun!
Action: Taking steps towards the change in a consistent manner
Sometimes, it is difficult to identify but once we recognise the area that requires the most focus it makes it easier to initiate the change. Like the chemical reaction, we as individuals are trying to reach a state of equilibrium or balance. When we know what is stopping us from reaching it we know where to focus.